Century 21 Curran & Oberski
Dave Abdallah Team, Century 21 Curran & OberskiPhone: (313) 203-8209
Email: amberbcentury21@gmail.com

Major pros & cons of a second mortgage

by Dave Abdallah Team 02/25/2024

Major pros & cons of a second mortgage  featured image

A second mortgage grants homeowners the ability to borrow equity from their home to gain financing. These funds can be used to pay bills, enhance the property and more. 

The second mortgage is connected to the equity your current mortgage has built up, so it’s crucial to understand the ins and outs of a second mortgage before deciding to use it. 

Advantages & disadvantages of a second mortgage


  • Lower interest rates in comparison to standard lines of credit. 
  • More financial wiggle room to invest in larger home renovations. 
  • You can use your homes’ equity without having to refinance the original mortgage. 


  • Your mortgage lender may require a high credit score and debt-to-income ratio to qualify. 
  • Your home may be at risk if the home equity line isn’t paid back within contract guidelines. 
  • If you decide to sell your home, you may make less profit. 

How do I get a second mortgage & what should I expect?

To take out a second mortgage loan, most lenders require a decent amount of equity to be built up on your home which is the amount you’ve paid towards the principal balance (the cost of the home plus interest). 

After taking out the second line, you’ll need to have at least 20 percent equity still built up on your home. If you need this money fast, please note, it takes a few weeks for lender approval and the loan comes with fees. 

If you’re unsure a second mortgage is for you, speak with your lender to explore your options and make adjustments as needed.

About the Author

Dave Abdallah Team

Thank you for taking a moment to meet Dave Abdallah and his team online!

Dave began his real estate career, with Century 21, over 34 years ago following his graduation from the University of Michigan with a degree in Business Administration where he majored in Finance and Marketing.

Since 2000, Dave and his remarkable group have been recognized as the # 1 team in the Great Lakes Region EVERY YEAR, accumulating 2 Team Centurions Awards, 4 Team Double Centurions Awards and in 2022 their 13th team GRAND Centurion Award. Not to mention the Overall # 1 TOP COMPANY Award for 21 consecutive years.